Interesting State Fair Foods (Oct 27, 2010)

Exploring Kathiey's Local World. The North Carolina State Fair 2010

This past weekend we went to the NC State Fair.  Josh, Steph and Erica came in for the event.  One of the first things that you think about when you think of the fair is the food.  It may not be healthy but it is unique.  The week before we attended I heard talk of the food discoveries folks had made on their fair visit.   The talk of the week was the Krispy Kreme Donut Burger.  Sounds awful.  Kinda like  dinner and dessert combined.
Here is a picture of the famous burger I found on line....
Donuts surrounding my burger just does not appeal to me.  I was willing to give it a try. We did not find the burger on our visit.  To be honest we did not try very hard to seek it out.  I did hear from patients and co-workers that it was pretty good.  The men seemed to like it much more then the women, that tells you something about good taste:-)
The next thing that everyone was raving about were the pickles soaked in Kool Aid.
We did not come across this on our Fair Day either.  I don't know if I would have tried it.  I don't like dill pickles as it is,  let alone pickles soaked in Kool Aid.  Most folks I spoke with who had tried this interesting treat did not like it.  They said it was too sweet and too mushy.

Here is what we did eat at the Fair on Saturday....So many choices....

 Our tradition, Country Ham Biscuit.
So salty, so good.  Yum!
Then off for a dill pickle....

 I am a sweet pickle fan so I did not partake.  But Joe and Steph sure look happy.
Can't beat the lemonade...
Josh bought the deep fried Oreo cookies for us to try.  I was not expecting them to be good but they really were.

Joe and Erica waiting for Ribbon Fries.

 Steph and I waiting for them too.
"Don't forget the ranch dressing"
 Oh the turkey legs....
Josh's fair tradition:-)
Pizza, looks pretty but it was a bit bland:-(
 Deep fried Mac and Cheese.  Pretty good, just needed some salt.
Every year as we leave the fair our tradition is to enjoy some John Deere
ice cream.  This year I tried the
Banana Split flavor.  It was very good.

There was a lot more we could have consumed at the fair but we decided that we had had enough calories for one outing.  Beside homemade Chili was waiting for us at home.
I began to wonder as I was thinking of the crazy foods you find at the fair, just what else is out there so I turned to Google for answers. Here are a few crazy one's...

Hot Beef Sundae at the Iowa
State Fair. What I thought was ice cream and a cherry was actually mashed potatoes and a tomato. Sounds good!
Mealworm Covered Candied Apples at the
Arizona State Fair....Yuck!.  They also served
deep fried Scorpion on a stick.."No thank you"

Pork Parfait at the Indiana State Fair.
At first glance I thought it was pork and
ice cream.  As I read on it is actually mashed potatoes, barbecue sauce, and pulled pork in a Sundae glass.  This sounds good, a bit like the beef sundae:-)

We had a great time at the fair enjoying time together and of course the foods.  I will post soon on other fair findings with the family.

Get out and enjoy your world everyone:-)
